What’s inside?

  • “Key Product Features Comparison” section to help you compare critical product features against competitors to highlight key differentiators.
  • “Product Pricing Comparison” section to help you analyze pricing models and structures across competitors to strategize your pricing.
  • “Competitor’s Positioning and Claims” section to help you understand your competitors’ positioning and key claims to prepare yourself with differentiated messaging.
  • “Competitor’s GTM Strategy” section to help you track and gain insights into competitors’ sales strategies, target markets, and channels.
  • “Competitors’ strengths” section to candidly assess areas where competitors may have advantages to help you prepare for tough questions from prospects. 
  • “Competitors’ weaknesses” section to identify gaps and shortcomings in competitors’ offerings to reinforce the unique value proposition and competitive edge.

Our template can help you:

  • Provide an overview of how your company fares against your competitors in key aspects. 
  • Equip your sales team with responses to the most important questions, objections, and needs of a prospect.
  • Design better pitches and train your sales team for potential customer challenges.