
To differentiate itself from other competing offerings, a self-service supplier intelligence platform that specializes in supplier risk analysis and market intelligence sought to enhance the information it provided on supplier companies. 

The product team decided to enrich their data by incorporating real-time news and updates, thus offering a more comprehensive and up-to-date view of supplier landscapes.

Business Objectives

The platform catered to users from various industries and geographies, ranging from manufacturing components to textile commodities. These users were looking for specific insights and market intelligence on their suppliers, which would indicate any potential threat to their supply chain. 

To meet these specialized needs, the customer’s product team sought to partner with a news feeds provider that could deliver precise and tailored insights. This would enable the platform to provide its users with up-to-the-minute information, ensuring that they are fully aware of the potential threats.

Key Challenges

The firm’s Digital Transformation Lead, who oversees technological innovation, was responsible for this project. The specific requirements for the sought-after solution were as follows:

  1. Advanced Filtering Functionality: The client needed a system capable of providing targeted insights through advanced news filtering functionality. This would allow for more precise information retrieval, tailored to the diverse needs of users across various industries.
  2. Automated Semantic Tagging of Insights: The system had to be capable of automatically tagging insights based on the meaning of the sentence (semantic), not just the keywords, thus eliminating the time-consuming process of manual selection. This automation was necessary to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the insights provided to the users.
  3. Seamless Integration: It was crucial that the new solution could be smoothly integrated with the existing SaaS platform without disrupting the current workflow. Any friction in integration could lead to efficiency losses and potential dissatisfaction among users.
  4. Multi-Language Support: To ensure global reach and inclusivity, the solution needed to offer multi-language support. This was vital in accommodating the platform’s wide-ranging user base, spanning different geographies and linguistic backgrounds.

To fulfill these requirements, the firm thoroughly explored various News APIs. After careful evaluation and due diligence, Contify News API was ultimately chosen as the best-fit solution.

Contify’s Solution

Understanding the firm’s unique pain points, Contify customized its News APIs to align with their Digital Transformation objectives, specifically addressing the following areas:

Sourcing of Information

Understanding the Digital Transformation Lead’s emphasis on relevance, Contify support team carefully curated a selected list of sources that fulfilled specific criteria for relevance, timeliness, and uniqueness. This ensured that the information provided was not only current but also directly pertinent to the users’ specific interest on risk and negative events.

Processing of Information using AI

Contify leveraged its expertise in AI and trained a custom machine learning model to track and tag events and key interest areas specified by the clients. This alignment with the industry’s specific demands was further enhanced by the use of proprietary disambiguation algorithms and other text analytics technologies such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). 

Delivery Through API

Following a seamless integration of the Contify News API with the firm’s existing SaaS platform, the client’s platform began delivering targeted updates on various key areas, including competitors, suppliers, innovations, new offerings, regulatory updates, partnerships, and more. 

The complete solution was deployed without any disruption to the current workflow while providing the required multi-language support and automated tagging.


By innovating and expanding the capabilities of the existing platform, Contify’s solution played a crucial role in enhancing user satisfaction, increasing efficiency, and strengthening the firm’s position in the market. The implementation of Contify’s customized News API had a direct impact on the client’s operations, resulting in tangible benefits and improvements in key areas:

Enhanced Platform with Targeted Insights

By integrating Contify’s News API, the firm was able to bridge a critical value gap that existed within its platform. The addition of timely news and insights meant that users could now access a more comprehensive and enriched view of the market, setting the platform apart from competitors.

Time and Effort Savings 

The new system accelerated the delivery of insights, aligned with the firm’s objective to increase efficiency led to substantial time and effort savings. The automation of tasks that were not possible or manual, such as relevance tagging, allowed the firm to redeploy resources to other critical areas, further enhancing productivity.

Customer Testimonial

We found the perfect fit in Contify’s News API. They understood our unique challenges and worked closely with us to create a solution that has dramatically improved our platform’s efficiency and precision. Our clients are thrilled with the enhanced insights, reflecting our commitment to technological innovation.

– Digital Transformation Lead, Supplier Intelligence Firm

Contify’s tailored approach not only met but exceeded the client’s unique requirements, offering a solution that provided the precise, relevant, and timely insights needed for decision-making in their diverse and global user base. 

This case stands as a testament to Contify’s ability to customize its News APIs to suit specific technological objectives, ultimately fulfilling the client’s business goals and contributing to their ongoing success.